I’m offering the opportunity for six talented individuals aged between 17-22 from all backgrounds to style a shoot using my Armoíre menswear archive collection at my London studio. With access to my studio, props, professional models, and renowned photographer Nick Tydeman, this is your chance to create some images and make industry connections.

You will be given 1.5 hours in the studio working on 2 looks and 30 mins with Nick.

At the end of the session you will be able to pick 2 images to be retouched and hopefully these will be a nice new addition to your portfolio or the first photos of hopefully many more shoots.

I will be at hand to offer support and guidance during the session.

To apply please email me to say hello.

I’m looking for people who are passionate, looking to learn and interested in styling and menswear. No experience needed.

Don't stress over a CV, just send me a brief message.

Open to all !


An opportunity for individuals

between 17-22 from all backgrounds.

No experience needed.

No need to worry over a CV

This is open to all.